Being one of Melbourne’s leading E-commerce store developers, Intesols offers a holistic approach to online buying. Our one of a kind solutions can help your business to develop and maintain a strong business identity online, while creating a solid buying experience for your online customers.
General Features
- Flexible Tax Calculations
- Customers or shoppers can manage their user accounts
- Shipping Address Management allows separate billing and shipping addresses
- Customers can view all their previous orders and order details
- Customisable order confirmation mail is sent to Shopper and Store Owner
- Supports multiple currencies
Product Catalog Features
- Effective administration interface
- Manage unlimited number of categories and products
- Can be used as a Shop or just as an Online-Catalog
- Price Display can be turned off
- Simple and advanced Search for Products, Categories and Manufacturers
- Search can be filtered by various parameters
- Ratings and Testimonials of products (moderated or auto-published)
- “On Special” or “On Sale” Products
- Availability of products: show how fast the customers can expect delivery
- Supports downloadable products or virtual goods like games, documents, audio, movies, etc
- “Product in Stock” notification for subscribed Customers
Administration Features
- Multiple images and files per product
- Product attributes like size or colour can be added to a product
- Product classification by type
- Shopper groups for customers allows different price levels and payment options
- Multiple prices per product supporting quantity-based and/or shopper group-based prices
- Flexible price display with number and currency formatting
- Price display can be including or excluding tax
- Real time price conversion between different currencies
- Shop statistics / control panel with a summary of new customers, new Orders, etc
- Stock level control for the products
- Order management with order history, customer notification and order edit functionality
- Basic reporting feature showing sold items, monthly/yearly revenue, etc
- Order status management
- Manage different currencies, countries and states of operation
Payment Modules
- Capable of live credit card processing
- Pre-defined payment gateways like®, PayPal, 2Checkout, eWay, Worldpay, PayMate and NoChex
- Extend your shop with other Payment Modules using the Payment Module API
Shipping Modules
- Flexible shipping carriers and rates configuration
- Live-Shipping Rates using shipping modules (e.g. InterShipper, UPS, USPS, FedEx or Canada Post; Modules can use the Shipping Rate API).
- Extend your shop with other shipping modules