Tried and tested formula for effective Local SEO

There has been a buzz about local SEO for quite some time now. It is about targeting customers in the vicinity of the business.

It makes more sense when compared to reaching out to people located at distant places. Any and every SEO company in Melbourne should practice this online marketing strategy to gain higher ranking on the local SERPS.

And if you ever wonder why Local SEO is so much important for your small business, here is the answer! Read about Local SEO: Importance for your small business and get to know your local customers and their need for local service and product providers.

Here are some of the tried and tested formulas for effective local SEO:

    • City and keyword combo: The first step to local SEO is to create target keywords which cracks in the local algorithm. A key phrase should incorporate both city and the keyword to trigger the Google web crawlers. This makes gaining rank much easier for specific searches.


    • Centroid bias: Geographic location of any business is most significant for local SEO. Google gives preference to the businesses in the vicinity or geographic boundary. The term centroid bias is used to state this preference of the search engines. For example, if a specific service is searched in a particular city then the companies giving that services in the specified and nearby areas would be given priority and rest everything would be equal. Every SEO company in Melbourne should focus most on this aspect.


    • Outrank the top listing companies: For ranking above the rest, find the top ranking competitor. The name, address and phone of the top ranking company should be placed in quotation marks. Paste this in Google search and the result will display the listings of businesses forming the niche. So, now you will know the number you need to outshine to get the top ranking. You can do this to find the lowest ranking company and make sure your business beats it through backlink profile, customer reviews and other SEO factors.


    • Get listed in local directories: Now, the next task is to get yourself listed in local directories. Apart from Google Places and Yelp, you must be seen in all other local directories. Local Chamber of Commerce is a great source to get listed. Two factors – city and relevant service are the criteria for directory inclusions and listings.


  • Cross the NAP: Lastly, every SEO company in Melbourne must check the accuracy of Name, Address and Phone number (NAP) implementation in local directories. Check that all citations have listed your company info in similar manner across all directories. For convincing optimisation NAPs should be identical as variations might confuse Google hinting it that these are different businesses.


These practices would give you a break through in local SERP rankings of Google. These tricks work wonders in the realm of local SEO and you will pull lot of customers from the vicinity. So, be ready for huge business!!

And if you are ready to give even more efforts, here are some of the most Useful tips for Local SEO and improving your local search result!

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