Steps to follow after mobile website design

The process of mobile website design is distinct and covers a vast spectrum of users. Users of smartphones, tablets and PCs should likes to visit a site that is both informative and handy.

The next step after design and development is mobile marketing which if done well reaches out to maximum users and potential customers.

According to the definition, mobile marketing means advertisements through billboards, vinyl ads, trade shows, mobile devices etc. It is done to capture user attention and create brand awareness. Creating online ads, social media channels, Google Ads in applications, software and music products is another method.

Three things that lay benchmark of marketing once mobile website design is over are:

Speed: Well, search engines would not prefer a slow loading mobile site on its top SERPs. For this you need to check the technical optimisation of your site. You also need to keep a tab on the mobile host and bandwidth supplier. If you are enticing user to download huge images or videos, you are making a grave mistake.

Extra unnecessary tags would slow down the speed of mobile site. A tag management system can prevent this and assure high speed loading of website and improves performance.

Customers: During the process of mobile website design, keep an eye on the customer demands. A huge chunk of people who surf and check out products online are mobile users. Also your social media ‘Likes’ and people’s opinion would push the client to buy stuff. Thus, be there on social media sites and reach out to customers who are in search of your services.

Personalisation: A good combination of dazzling design, easy to browse pages, occasional informative ads and to the point content helps by giving a good mobile experience to the users. It creates an impact on the user and delivers what he wants and not what is in store. So, remember to assemble stuff in such a way that it serves the demand of the market and thus becomes popular.

These popular mobile marketing aspects should be considered once you are done with the design and development procedure. And if you are a local restaurant, food zone or a local store owner, Foursquare – a mobile based local marketing tool can helps you gain new customers and attain existing customers by offering them promos and offers. If you want to market your business on Foursquare, here are six killer tips for successful foursquare marketing campaign.

So, all you mobile optimisers and marketers out there consider these points and place your site on top of SERP.

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