Mobile website design practices for touch and type users

Mobile websites are for professionals, students, travellers and any form of nomadic who are always on the move. Designed to cater their requirements of information and services, mobile sites are the source they rely on.

That is why designing any site has to be very precise and user friendly. Certain tips for improvising the design helps a great deal.

Let’s check out best practices for mobile website design:

Include full website in the design: It’s good to provide direct access to the full fledged website as there are still many customers who like to explore the whole site rather than the mobile version of it.

Say NO to pop ups: Adding pop ups in the mobile website design would make it filthy and unwelcoming. The popping up things while user would be browsing something else is absolutely not good practice.

Wrap headings into smaller sizes: Longer heading push the contents downward. At times the content goes out of frame leading to downward scrolling. Content should be short and specific just to convey the relevant stuff.

Swap labels with place holder text: Labels should be kept in places where content is obvious. Login forms, search boxes are the places where labels should be utilised instead of text.

Font size: Mobile website design experts suggest 14px as the ideal font size for different types of fingers. The design should justify fat fingers as well as normal finger sizes.

Tipsy taps: Talking more about fat fingers, the touch targets with bigger sizes would give high end user experience. With 40px by 40px touch target you must keep 10px margin for error prone tapping.

New design: Mobile version of any site should not be its squeezed in form of desktop site instead it should be tailor made for mobile devices. So, design considerations, labels, text, buttons everything should change accordingly.

With these few tips the effort used in creating mobile site would reduce to a huge percentage. Keeping all these in mind while you design mobile site would result in user friendly site! So, just start raving on mobile phones and earn great moolah in return.

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