How To Add Page Admin To Your Google+ Local Business Page!

Do you have a Google+ page for your business? If not, make one and boost your business with your online presence on the web. If you do have a Google+ page, do you want someone skilled enough to manage your page for marketing campaigns? Assigning someone the Admin of your page is no rocket science. It is as simple as counting from 1 to 3. Just follow the steps below and you’ll be done!

Steps to grant admin access to your Google+ business page:

1. Log in to your Google+ page using your GMail account. You can either go to or

2. Go to–Settings–Managers–Add managers by email address.

3. Please enter e-mail address of the person you want to make the admin in that space and Click Invite.


There you are! You did it!

You might also want read this: How to add an admin to your Facebook business page

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