Facebook launches new look for its News Feed

Facebook has finally rolled out its new look for news feed in a media event that it held today at ithttps://www.intesols.com.au/s Menlo Park headquarters in California.

Earlier last week, the social media giant Facebook Inc., sent out invitations to media and invited them to Come and See new look for News Feed

“Still in beta, the new news feed design is a total overhaul of the news feed, from design to content and from engineering to networking perspective. Users are given an option to join the waiting list to get the new news feed.”


What’s new in the new News Feed

In short and simple words, the new news feed is a Total facelift for Facebook – A total redesign. We predicted yesterday on what to expect from Facebook’s today’s new news feed launch event, and believe us, the Facebook’s new news feed is just what we predicted!

As Mark Zuckerberg mentioned: “To make sure you’re seeing all the stories you want to see, we’re introducing several new feeds to explore in addition to the same News Feed you have today. ” So let us go step by step and see what Facebook has offered to users in its new news feed:

News feed/content based on major four categories/types:

  • All Friends: This feed will show content (everything from photos to music and videos) from your friends (what they’re sharing.)
  • Photos: The photos feed will show only photographic content from the people and pages you are connected with.
  • Music: The music feed will have all the musical posts, posts about the music you like and listen.
  • Following: This feed will show latest news/posts from the pages you like and people you follow.

The personalised news paper

Long story in short, the new news feed is all about user preferences and priorities. According the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, this new design reflects the way we are sharing the content with the world. Facebook’s new news feed design is a step ahead in making it a truly personalised news paper with all the local, relevant and intersting news stories for the users.He added.

The Conclusion

With the launch of this news feed, the company believes it will help its users to stay in touch with their relatives and friends and favorites things in much better way. The company also believe it will also serve their mission to make the world more open and connected.

This was Facebook’s second mega event of the year 2013, the first time was when Facebook launched Graph Search earlier in January 2013 in the same way!

Your thoughts

What do you think of this new look for News Feed. Do you like it or you think the previous one was qiet better? Let us know your thoughts in the comment box below!

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