5 Tips for a successful Facebook promotion campaign

Paid promotion campaigns are setting the next chapter in social media. A technique used by content marketers and search engine marketers, alike. However, with thousands of promotions running for a niche at a point of time, standing out with your promotional content, and getting maximum value for your investment is no child’s play. 

There are number of reasons a Facebook promotion doesn’t take off. The biggest one is social media campaigners themselves, who do not promote their promotional content outside of Facebook walls or not at all and still wait for a miracle to happen, later sulking around. No matter how much you pay for a party, merely printing flyers is not enough. You got to send them to the invitees, isn’t it?

Similarly, whether paid or organic, penetrating the confined wall of Facebook, in addition to promoting within, is important for making a Facebook Post successful. There are a number of ways to promote a post outside of Facebook as well as within. I have listed a few:

1. Get the initial traffic: Send a newsletter

Before launching your long planned campaign, make sure you have gathered enough interest in your existing subscribers. Plan a Newsletter a few hour before your campaign goes live. As these people know you, you are sure to get some initial boost for your post. 100 Like in first few hours of going live should mark the first successful step for your promoted post.

Inversely, if you’re not getting enough Likes from your existing subscriber, something, somewhere is seriously wrong with your promoted content. Withdraw it immediately and re-run with necessary fixes.

2. The mobile phenomena

Facebook mobile base is around 78%. Unless targeting only 32% of Facebook users, make sure any URL on that post is landing to a mobile optimized page. If there is any not pointing so, add a note or a redirect to related mobile optimized site.

Moreover, you can generate a short link for your campaign and send it to the contacts in your phonebook via SMS, WhatsApp, email, etc.

3. Improve your Facebook Page and posts, accordingly

Highlight the prominence of your Promoted Post in your Facebook Page by reflecting the promotion’s header image on the page’s cover photo. A prominent post will attract far more users than a pessimist post lying somewhere on Facebook.

To gather curiosity about your promotion, use interactive and easily discoverable posts like:

  • “Click like if you want to win” above a photo of the proposed prize.
  • Relevant hashtags (#) will automatically increase search visibility.
  • Tagging previous winners in a post

4. Cross channel promotion

  1. Use multiple social channels for a common purpose—promoting your campaign
  2. Tweet the promotion few times a day at a common interval. If the promotion is cross-country, schedule them according to the respective time zone.
  3. Pinterest: Take a screenshot of your promotion. And pin that image to Pinterest.
  4. Generate a QR code of your campaign URL; most mobiles are equipped with a QR scanner these days.

5. Generate Confidence

Truth to be told, there are hundreds of Facebook lucky draws that were created solely for deceiving contestants to get Likes and related engagement in the name of fat prizes. For gathering confidence in the promotion, post photos of your last contest winners with prizes in their hands. In addition, post something about your company ethics, once a day.

Bonus Tip: Social Media has been playing crucial role in bringing people to your website and thus helping you get high quality, relevant web traffic which ultimately increases chances of higher RoI and lead generation. Take a look at Social Media Marketing : A ladder to the success of your website’s SEO! 

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